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In the province of Potenza, you will be literally mesmerized by Rifreddo and Farneta woods, the largest and most important patches of Quercus frainetto , of Cupolicchio, the precious undergrowth of wild orchids, daffodils, peonies, and lilies.

Between the provinces of Potenza and Matera, at 2.624-3608 ft above sea level, the “Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane” Park preserves large, almost intact forests with uncontaminated vegetation, including chestnut trees, oaks, ferns, cyclamens, wood anemones, buttercups, and orchids.
In particular, visitors and enthusiasts should pay a visit to the beech forest of Monte Cucco, Gallipoli forest, and Montepiano wood, near Accettura, which offers ancient oaks (Turkey oaks and oaks), field maples, hornbeams, lindes, and hollies.

Between Basilicata and Calabria, there are almost 5.000 acres dedicated to the Pollino National Park, featuring beech forests on its peaks, along with silver firs, Bosnian pines, and Heldreich’s pines. Lower down the slopes many Turkey oaks, chestnut trees and holly oaks can be seen.
The area belonging to Basilicata includes several forests like Bosco Magnano (also known as Bosco del Chiromante”) near the city of Potenza. Pristine forests, among gentle hills and rugged headlands, characterize the “Calabrese” countryside, organized in four different reserves: Parco Nazionale del Pollino, Parco Nazionale della Sila, Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte, and Parco Naturale Regionale delle Serre.

Bosco Cupolicchio has obtained the S.I.C. certification (site of community interest) thanks to its natural treasures and stretches on some 4.300 acres of land in the municipalities of Albano di Lucania, San Chirico, and Tolve in the province of Potenza. Most of this area is covered by thick forests of Turkay oaks (Quercus cerris), and Quercus frainetto.

The undergrowth is full of rare species which celebrate true biodiversity. There are also many priceless and protected specimens of orchids, including Orchis sp., Serapias sp., Dactylorhiza romana, and Platantera bifolia. Lilies (Lilium bulbiferum subsp. croceum), and Poet’s narcissus (Narcissus poeticus) are also present on the slopes of Mont Cupolicchio.
Last but not least, there are also some wetland patches, featuring pools, ponds, streams, and ditches where seaweed and white water-crowfoot are abundant.

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Albano di Lucania, San Chirico Nuovo, Tolve(PZ)

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