Villa di Tissano
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Villa di Tissano è una classica villa friulana costruita nel ‘400, circondata da un grande parco suggestivo. Oggi adibita ad albergo, è formata da ventidue camere e appartamenti dalle adiacenze rustiche, dalla torre alla vecchia serra, dai granai per i bachi da seta all’appartamento del gastaldo, mantenendo la storia della dimora.
This villa is a classic Friulian manor built in the XV century, surrounded by a large evocative park. Now used as a hotel, it consists of twenty-two rooms and apartments with rustic adjacencies, from the tower to the old greenhouse, from the barns for silkworms to the Gastaldo’s apartment (a “Gastaldo” was a civil servant with martial, and judicial powers).
It’s a place which still retains its historical heritage.
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Piazza Caimo 4 - 33050 Santa Maria La Longa(UD)
0432 990399