Ecomuseum of Terraces and Vine

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“Ecomuseo dei Terrazzamenti e della Vite” is in Cortemilia, in the Alta Langa (province of Cuneo), inside the former Magistrate’s Court building.

It was created to preserve the history and traditions of the local rural world and its centuries-old culture, with particular attention to the terraces on which the vine is grown.

Several itineraries, called “roads of the Terraces” (developed along paths, country roads, secondary and asphalted roads), offer few hours or even whole days of exploration and discovery of the local architecture, history, and farming heritage.
One suggested itinerary, for instance, is dedicated to popular religiosity, yet another focuses on the “scau”, the typical round dryers used by the local peasant community.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Dante Alighieri 4 - 12074 Cortemilia(CN)

0173 821568

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