Cascina Bellezza Oasis

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Cascina Bellezza Oasis is located within a Site of Community Importance, in the Municipality of Poirino (TO). It extends for some 10 acres plunged in the beautiful countryside; originally it was an area dedicated to poplar cultivation, featuring a central horseshoe-shaped pond, a typical local structure. The pond and the surrounding land underwent a major re-naturalization in 2001 which restored its functionality and transformed the crops into a heterogeneous mosaic of woods, hedges, meadows and uncultivated areas ideal for hosting several species of flora and fauna.

In fact, many birds and an exceptionally high number of amphibians live in the wetlands of this oasis, with as many as 9 species, including the Italian Pelobates fuscus with a stable population and subject to specific monitoring every year – it’s truly one of its kind in Italy.

At Cascina Bellezza there are regular bird catching and ringing sessions for scientific purposes, to monitor the local avifauna: such exciting events can be attended by reservation.

In March and April, every evening, the annual monitoring of amphibians takes place – also open to the public by reservation.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Bellezza, 60/A, Poirino - Poirino(TO)

339 2508080

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