Tiggiano yellow-violet Carrot

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In Salento peninsula, some ancient carrots are grown, mostly for local and personal use.

Among those vegetables, there’s the peculiar yellow-violet carrot of Tiggiano, locally known as “ Pastanaca ti Santu Pati ”; then, there is also a type of carrot from Polignano, of variable sizes and featuring a mixed yellow, orange and purple colour.

In the south-eastern area of Salento, the long Carrot of Saint Ippazio is also very famous: it features a typical orange colour with some shades of purple: it is usually sold in late winter on the occasion of the local festival of Saint Ippazio, and purchased by the locals to praise their Saint. Those carrots taste sweet and crunchy, eaten raw or cooked.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)



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