Egadi Islands

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The Egadi Island Archipelago, off the west coast of Sicily, consists of Favignana, Marettimo, Levanzo, the block of Formica, and the rocks of Maraone and Porcelli. Since 1989, it has partly become a Protected Marine Area. Its 133.400 acres represent the largest marine reserve in the Mediterranean area. More precisely, it completely surrounds the islands of Levanzo, Faraglione, Formica, and the rock of Maraone, as well as a part of the island of Favignana.

The islands have been inhabited by man for at least 15.000 years, as evidenced by local prehistoric engravings and graffiti; the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians and the Romans built several settlements in this area. In 1874, the archipelago was bought by the Florio family, and in 1937 it passed to the Parodis from Genoa.

The flora along the coastlines of the archipelago always features Cystoseira stricta, but in some areas in Marettimo, where it is replaced by Cystoseira Mediterranea and Cystoseira elegans. There are also extensive meadows of Posidonia oceanica, covering most of the submerged area.

Each different area of the archipelago features its own set of rules, regulations and allowed activities. For instance, there are several diving centres, especially in Favignana, which visitors are strongly recommended to contact, in order to avoid any areas of the Reserve where such activity is strictly prohibited.


The flora of the archipelago, strongly influenced by the very composition of the local soil, includes more than 400 species, mostly belonging to the Mediterranean scrub; Euphorbia dendroides, and Rosmarinus officinalis grow abundant.
The flora also features peculiar and rare vegetation, with 515 botanical species including Daphne oleifera, Pericola angustifolia, Lagurus vestitus, Erodium marittimum, Brassica macroarpa, Calendula marittima, Anthemis sicula, and Anthemis secundiramea.

Among the invertrebates, there are molluscs such as Siciliana confined and Oxichilus denatale, and the Geotrupes duei beetle: an endemic species which lives on the steep walls on the sea; insect species also include Cilindronotus ruffoi and Allophylax costatipennis; the herpetofauna is characterized by the endemic Podarcis wagleriana marettimensis lizard.

Among the birds, there are sedentary and migratory species such as shearwaters (Calonectris Diomeda, and Puffinus puffinus), storm petrels (Hydrobates Pelagicus), Bonelli’s eagles (Aquila fasciata), peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus), Eleonora’s Falcons (Falco eleonorae), and black wheatears (Oenanthe Leacura).
In 2013, the presence of the Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) was also reported.

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