Zingaro Nature Reserve

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The Zingaro Nature Reserve can be found along the northern Sicilian coast, between Trapani and Palermo, partly in the municipality of S. Vito Lo Capo and partly in that of Castellammare del Golfo; it includes 4.34 miles of coastline and about 4.200 acres of unspoiled nature. The jagged territory overlooks the sea with limestone formations, whose overhanging walls features evocative coves, ravines and caves.

Different Mediterranean, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems coexist here. The itineraries on foot and partly by car are worth noting. In the Reserve, ancient agricultural traditions have been re-evaluated, therefore, for which some parts are cultivated with ancient varieties of wheat, still worked with ancient tools. It includes a school of weaving plant fibres whose products are exhibited in the Visitor Center.

Flora and fauna
In the coastal area of the reserve, the predominant landscape is that of the low scrub with the presence, in large areas, of the dwarf palm garrigue ( Chamearops humilis ), some specimens of which reach 2-3 m in height. They are accompanied by the hairy sparzio ( Calycotome villosa ), the thyme ( Thymus vulgaris ), the caper ( Capparis spinosa ), the rock buttercup ( Ranunculus rupestris ), hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis ), 25 species of wild orchids, and 40 endemic species including the very rare Todaro limonium ( Limonium todaroanum ).
Many birds nest in the Reserve, including the eagle Hieraaetus fasciatu .
In the sea live sponges, anemones, madrepores and many species of fish, a gastropod mollusk with a tube-shaped shell, and red coral formations.

Attention: unfortunately in August 2020 “Riserva dello Zingaro” was destroyed by a fire, supposedly of arson.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Savoia 57 - San Vito Lo Capo(TP)

0923 974300


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Biglietto intero 3 euro. Biglietto ridotto 2 euro

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