Mount Cammarata Nature Reserve
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This reserve is located in the central-western part of Sicily, in the province of Agrigento; it actually lies in in the eastern part of the Sicani Mountains and covering some 5.204 acres.
The Sicani mountains is a vast area in the heart of Sicily, located between the provinces of Agrigento and Palermo. Mount Cammarata (5.177 ft) represents the highest peak of this mountain range. The relief, mostly made of limestone rock formations, hosts more than 150 herbaceous species, including many rare endemic specimens.
The natural vegetation is represented by strips of oak woods (Quercus ilex, Quercus pubescens) and Mediterranean scrub, while along the valleys and in the cooler and more sheltered areas, there are small groves of black hornbeams (Ostrya carpinifolia), elms (Ulmus minor), black poplars (Populus nigra) and willows (Salix sp. pl.).
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Photo source:“monte-cammarata/
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