Fruit growing museum

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The Fruit Growing Museum is in Lana, one of the oldest communities of fruit growers in South Tyrol, which regularly features festivals, events, gastronomic fairs, and guided walks dedicated to apples – for instance, there’s the most fascinating “Flowering Festival”, which takes place in the month of April.

The museum offers the opportunity to discover all the secrets of apple and other fruit cultivation, welcoming the visitors with a 1.200-square yard exhibition set up in the “Larchgut” medieval residence. The intriguing history of South Tyrolean agricultural and fruit growing is explained in detail as well.

The oldest pieces exhibited in the museum come from viticulture, agriculture, fruit growing and farming activities in this area of Trentino.
For example, there is a press dating back to 1570, which used to belong to Braunsberg Castle – it’s the oldest piece of machinery of its kind in the province; the museum also features models of the embankments and several historical maps.

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Residenza Larchgut, Via Brandis 4 - Lana(BZ)

0473 564387

Altre info

Adulti 4,00 euro (con GuestCard 3,50 euro); bambini 1,50 euro; carta famiglia 10,00 euro.

Marzo-novembre: lunedì-sabato ore 10–17. In giugno e luglio, il sabato il museo è chiuso.

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