Erlebnis Kranzelhof Estate and the Labyrinth of Vines

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The garden of Kränzelhof Estate, created to offer something for its owners and the visitors, is considered as a constantly evolving work of art, capable of gradually adapting itself to ever-changing times, styles and needs.

Inside the garden, guests are invited to get lost in a timeless place, where everyday life becomes trivial and new forms of sensitivity for nature and mankind can be easily nurtured.
It’s also a popular attraction for children, adults, and lovers of culture, art and nature in search of some stimulating entertainment, not to mention esoteric thought enthusiasts.

In 1998, the estate was expanded and in 2003 some orchards, vineyards, and a labyrinth of vines were eventually built. Later on, a theatre, a pond and some ornamental terraces were added.

The Labyrinth of Vines

The labyrinth features a path lined with stone slabs and bordered by thyme, which leads to the very centre. It encourages meditation and profound introspection.

During the summer, you can walk barefoot, truly feeling the grass, the stones and the earth under your feet; walking at a relaxed pace, while controlling your breath, may help you regain inner calm and peace.
Individual meditations for groups can be booked as well.

In addition, every year the Curatorium Kränzel invites artists tasked with a special theme, who create amazing sculptures inside the garden.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Palade 1 - Cermes (BZ)(BZ)

0473 564549

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