Affori’s plane tree

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“The plant” is how the locals refer to this centuries-old London plane tree (Platanus hispanica), which grows between Via Astesani and Via Affori, and it is said to have been planted by Napoleon, in honour of a noblewoman from Milan he had fallen in love with.

Other similar plane trees, dating back to the Napoleonic era, can be admired in the Guastalla Gardens, and in the Sempione Park.

The Affori’s specimen is 200 years old, has a circumference of about 23 ft. and a height of 59 ft. Demetra, one of the first companies in Italy to join the S.I.A. (Italian Arboriculture Society) has adopted this historic plane tree for some years now and has carried out surveys and in-depth analysis to improve the preservation techniques for this giant.
The same Society has created and installed a sculpture made of black locust wood, next to the plane tree, to remind people of the nocturnal birds of prey that used to spend the nights on these very branches.

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Via Affori - 20161 Milano(MI)

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