Boji della Ferriana WWF Oasis
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Bojo della Feriana Oasis is just below the Adige embankment, in the Municipality of Concadirame, in the province of Rovigo.
This 17-acre humid area is fed by the waters of the Adige river which flows along an impermeable layer of the soil. Over time, and following the sedimentation of marshy soils and their cultivation, this wetland has considerably grown smaller. The Bojo that has resisted is that of “Ferriana”, made of a marshy area and peripheral wetlands.
The first area, in the centre, includes the reservoir with specimens of Nuphar lutea (yellow water lily), the rare Utricularia australis (Bladderwort), as well as Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia, and Schoenoplectus lacustris.
The peripheral wetlands feature sedges, reeds, wooded areas, wet meadows, perimeter ditches and shrubs. The vegetation includes Valeriana dioica, Myosotis scorpyoides, Hypericum tetrapterum, Carex paniculata, and Thelypteris palustis.
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