Botanika Spontaneous Flowers Nursery

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Botanika is a very special nursery: it was founded by Giovanni Manfredini, with an agricultural sciences degree (and long experiences in the forestry sector, at the Hillier nursery in England, and at the Botanical Garden of Bergamo).

This nursery is specialized in the cultivation of spontaneous plants: flowers of the meadows, flowers of arid and sunny meadows, flowers from the Alps, flowers from the wheat fields, aromatic and spontaneous plants, flowers and shrubs of the Mediterranean scrub, flowers and plants from uncultivated areas, flowers and herbs of the undergrowth, species found on dry-stone walls, species from humid environments, spontaneous and sedimentary grasses, megaphorbiae ferns and flowers, Ericaceae varieties and heath flowers, as well as spontaneous creepers.

For the nomenclature of the species and different families, Giovanni Manfredini referred to the “Flora of Italy (3 vol.)” by Sandro Pignatti – Edagricole 1982, taking into account the constant revisions of the official text.

Giovanni Manfredini also designs and builds natural gardens, either large rural ones, or small urban facilities.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


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