Capo Testa Protected Marine Reserve

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After the official “green light” in June 2014, the Municipality of Santa Teresa di Gallura is pushing for the construction of the protected marine area of “Capo Testa-Punta Falcone”; the project involves sustainable and responsible tourism, following the best practice about “Tavolara Marine Protected Area” and “Archipelago of La Maddalena National Park”.

According to the far-sighted mayor Stefano Pisciottu, the actual aim is to create a real nursery for fish: namely, an area where they can grow and reproduce, recreating the “aquarium effect” for tourists. Mr Pisciottu has, in fact, recently stated that: ” In an area within arm’s reach, we want to create the so-called “Lavezzi effect”, where people dive and swim among groupers. That would be our true wealth”.

The municipal administration, together with Ispra (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) has drawn up a draft map featuring the protected marine area from the border with Aglientu to Valle dell’Erica, excluding Coluccia peninsula, the mouth of the Liscia River, and the fjord of Porto Pozzo. Different level of protection will be enforced on the whole area, according to different zones and actual preservation needs.

Zone A – allowed activities:

In this part of the reserve (Secca del Diavolo) off Capo Testa, any activity will be strictly forbidden, including sailing, mooring, diving, fishing, and any type of visit.

Zone B – allowed activities:

The SIC (Site of Community Interest) area around Capo Testa and the stretch of coast between La Balcaccia and Punta Falcone have both been classified as “Zone B”; therefore, the following activities will be possible: swimming, rowing, mooring, amateur fishing (for residents only), tourism fishing (for recreational and sports purpose), whale watching, and diving (underwater fishing will be prohibited though). Motor navigation and anchoring will be strictly regulated.

Zone C – allowed activities:

The rest of the protected area is classified as “Zone C”; particularly intrusive activities such as jet skiing, water skiing, and underwater fishing will be strictly prohibited. Fishing, diving, passenger transportation, and guided tours will be subjected to proper authorization.

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This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


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