Carciofo violetto di Schito

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This vegetable is also known as “Schito’s artichoke” and “Castellamare’s violet artichoke”, since it is typical of the fraction Annunziatella of Castellammare di Stabia. They were already spread during the times of Ancient Rome and they have found again a unique and particularly favourable habitat. This farming area was famous for the high quality of its products and it was known by the name “gli orti di Schito”.
The artichoke of Castellammare is a form of the ‘Romanesco’ variety, but they have different production periods and the bracts colour, green with violet hues. Its precocity is caused by the particular mildness of the climate and by the habit of regenerating the plants each year. The best cardoons, the lateral grassy buds sprouting around the mother plants, are taken together with small portions of rhizome, during the vegetative restart; then they are transplanted and put to abode.
Another tradition of these lands, was covering the first apical inflorescence (called mamma or mammolella) with handmade terracotta cups (called pignatte or pignattelle) made by the local artisans. The protection from sun rays is what makes these artichokes tender and light coloured. The collection time coincides with Easter and because of this, artichokes are a typical Easter dish.

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Castellammare di Stabia(NA)

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