Cotognata (Quince Jelly)

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Quince jelly, “cotognata” in Italian, is usually made in October-November, with freshly picked quince fruit, washed, peeled, cut, quartered and cooked with lemon and sugar in quantities equal to the weight of the mixture obtained.
The cooking mixture should be often turned, to facilitate water evaporation. After cooking, the thick mash is poured into moulds, left to dry in the sun, or spread (about 0.4-inch thick) on marble/ stainless surfaces, sprinkled with sugar. When the compote is dry, it is usually cut into rectangular or square pieces.
The main production areas are in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, namely in the five Mountain Communities of Alta Valmarecchia, Montefeltro, Catria and Nerone, Catria, and Cesano, as well as in the Upper and Middle Metauro territory.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)



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