Eastern Alps Botanical Garden

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The Botanical Garden of the Eastern Alps covers about 15 acres within the Monte Faverghera Nature Reserve, in the eastern sector of the Belluno Prealps, at an altitude between 4.593 and 5.249 ft. It was created in the 1950s in order to raise the awareness about the flora of the Eastern Alps, and it is currently managed by the Territorial Office for Biodiversity of Belluno, a department of the State Forestry Corps.

In the garden, there is a network of connecting several alpine habitats available for the visitors.
All in all, this facility offers a comprehensive overview of the typical vegetation of subalpine bushes, swamps, peat bogs, pastures, scree, snow valleys, and limestone or siliceous cliffs, as well as a karstic trail with its typical geomorphological features both on the surface and underground.
There are also several species of plants threatened of extinction, thoroughly protected also according to international protocols.

Alpine plants are cultivated and arranged within their natural habitat, painstakingly recreated within the garden.
Other interesting fact and botanical peculiarities can be discovered thanks to several information tags and panels distributed all over the garden – alpine officinal plants, orchids, willows, and ferns are thus thoroughly introduced to the visitors. Similar sets of information are provided for lichen flora as well.
Among the most relevant plant species, it’s worth mentioning Physoplexis comosa, Paederota lutea, Paederota bonarota, Moehringia glaucovirens, Arenaria huteri, Wulfenia carinthica, and Rhodothmanus chamaecistus.

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0437 944830


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1,50€ adulti e 0,80€ minori anni 14

INGRESSO: dal 22 giugno al 8 settembre, 9.00-12.00 e 13.00-17.00 la DOMENICA orario continuato 10.00-18.00 CHIUSO il LUNEDÌ

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