Ellebori Garden

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Set in the heart of Pietra Ligure, it was created by Anna and Carla Barbaglia, who have created an extraordinary collection of perennial herbs in 40 years of dedicate work. Today, there are 15 species, as well as several subspecies, as well as more than 350 hybrids and assorted varieties.

The two sisters began planting black hellebore – also known as “Christmas Rose” – in 1970; they had learned to love it since childhood since their Californian mother always made extensive use of that ornamental plant to celebrate the end of the year’s festivities. Her typical Anglo-Saxon creations also included Celtic crowns, firs, and mistletoe.
Later on, they enriched the collection with green hellebores (H. viridis, H. argutifolius, H. foetidus, H. cyclophyllus, H. multifìdus, and H. odorus) and, when Carla returned from England, with Lenten Roses (Helleborus orientalis) -featuring purple flowers – and the dotted H. guttatus (hybrid varieties with speckled flowers). As a matter of fact, Carla introduced the very first H. Guttatus in Italy – white with amaranth dots.

In 1993, the extremely rich garden was opened to the public.
Part of the cultivated plants are currently reproduced and put on sale; they’re highly appreciated for their winter or early spring flowering and their resistance to cold temperatures – they can actually grow in partial shade and in gardens facing north, where other plants would languish.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Sauro 144 - Pietra Ligure(SV)

019 616721


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Da domenica 27 gennaio a domenica 24 marzo.

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