Foce dell’Arrone Oasis

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This WWF oasis is located in Fiumicino, along the Maccarese-Fregene coastline. It’s some 74 acre long and features three natural trails for a total length of about 15.5 miles. Thus, it’s possible to walk to different parts of the oasis: the natural meadow, the hygrophilous forest (a final portion along the Tyrrhenian Sea), a wet patch, and the coastal dune – one of the most uncontaminated ones in the whole sea.
Wild orchids, stinking irises (Iris foetidissima), narrow-leafed ashes (Fraxinus angustifolia), and lesser celandines (Ranunculus ficaria) can be found here.
The local fauna includes porcupines, weasels, skunks, European tree frogs, tits, robins, nocturnal birds of prey such as barn owls and tawny owls, western marsh harriers, kites and many migratory birds.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


L'ingresso è in via Sestri Levante (Fregene nord), angolo Via Tirrenia (Maccarese). - Fiumicino(RM)

06 6685487

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