Frignoli Botanical Garden
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Frignoli Botanical Garden, in the municipality of Favizzano, was opened in 1990 and draws its origins from the nursery of the State Forestry Corps. The Garden covers an area of some 17 acres and is terraced with dry stone walls, thus recreating the different environments of the Apennines:
boulder, red scale, plaster and marble.
Among the main collections, there are several spontaneous herbs used in Lunigiana area for nourishment and locally known as “Erbi”; then, there’s a collection of toxic species, some of which can be easily confused with edible ones, some spontaneous willow trees, a unique collection in Italy, and a wide range of Peoniae, which can easily thrive in a mountain environment.
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SS. 63 del Passo del Cerreto - Fivizzano(MS)
0585 949688
Altre info
Intero 2,50 euro; con visita guidata 4,00 euro; bambini 6-14 anni (accompagnati da almeno un adulto) 1 euro ; bambini 0-6 anni gratuito
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