Garden of the Rectory of San Pietro

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Designed and built by Carola Lodari in 2003, this garden is located in Cherasco (CN) and successfully conjures the typical image of the medieval gardens built by monks.

Divided into sixteen square compartments, using treillage (“espaliers”, “latticework”) and other wooden structures, it features four botanical themes: the “educational garden” (with vegetables known prior the discovery of America), the “religious garden” (which includes the “garden of the simple” – officinal herbs, aromatic species, roses and flowers), the “garden of the senses” (full of colours and fragrances), several hedges for birds, and many pollinating plants – the trees of the four seasons.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via della Pace - Cherasco (CN)(CN)

+39 017248098

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