Il Verneto WFF Oasis

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This oasis is in the Municipality of Rocchetta Tanaro, in the province of Asti; it is part of a Site of Community Interest (SIC). It is also an Integral Nature Reserve, stretching over 7.5 acres and considered the actual relic of a larger portion of the landscape, once covering a large portion of the Po River Valley.

This last part of the forest, which has been documented since 1100, is defined as a pure plain wood and is made of Alnus glutinosa (black alders). At Verneto Oasis, the tree specimens have not been cut for over 60 years, thus reaching impressive sizes.

The undergrowth hosts a thick expanse of Carex spp. (sedges), Juncus effusus (soft rush) and Equisetum (rough horsetails).
The presence of insects is very important, as many dragonflies and ground beetles are present.

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14030 Rocchetta Tanaro (AT)(AT)

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