La MargheRita Nursery

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La MargheRita was established in 1980, when the existing traditional farm was turned into a nursery, assuming its current name.

It stretches over 3.587 square yards of heated greenhouses and 1.196 square yards of cold greenhouses, hosting flowering plants, cyclamen, fruit plants, geraniums, chrysanthemums, traditional and unusual vegetable plants. The passion for aromatic herbs began in 2000, with a small collection of about 20 specimens. Today, the collection includes over 160 types of plants for gastronomic and dietary use.

In recent years, the owners’ interest has also turned to forgotten or unusual edible flowers, and vegetables from other countries such as India, Africa, Egypt, Latin America.

Over the years, La MargheRita has evolved its features and aims, creating a B&B farmhouse in 2002, along with cycling routes across the country.
Since 2006, it has been growing saffron with excellent results, still being acknowledged as the only producer in the Province of Mantua.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Bassanella, 1 - 46040 Gazoldo degli Ippoliti MN(MN)

0376 657209

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