La valle delle orchidee nel Cilento

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The orchid valley is located in the area of the Cervati Mountain (Cilento’s National Park, Valle di Diano e degli Alburini), whose peculiarity is the local biodiversity. It has an extension of 47 square kilometeres along a path. Where it is possible to observe numerous wild orchids during spring time and the beginning of summer: 184 different species (68 species, 57 subspecies, 35 varieties, 24 hybrids) and in all the park, which has an extension of 181,000 hectares, grow 284 of the 319 plants signaled in Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin. Among them, there are Anacamptis morioAnacamptis papilionacea, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Dactylorhiza romana, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Neotinea tridentata, Ophrys incubacea subsp. incubacea, Orchis anthropophoraum, Orchis maculata, Orchis pauciflora, Orchis quadripunctata, Orchis simia, Serapias lingua

The best time to visit the Orchid Valley is the period between April and the beginning of June, when most of the plants are still blooming and the department Vallo di Diano/Cilento del GIROS (Gruppo Italiano per la Ricerca sulle Orchidee Spontanee) organises guided visits to show their research. For more information contact: Riccardo Di Novella(  cell. 3204687791) e a Nicola Di Novella (
tel. 097572288). Spesso i fotografi naturalisti vi organizzano workshop fotografici.

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