Le Orchidee del Lago Maggiore

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This nursery is specialized in the cultivation of orchids (over 2000 hybrids, cultivars, rare botanical species, etc.), tillandsias, and peculiar tropical plants. It is located in Belgirate, on the Piedmont shore of Lake Maggiore and was established in 1991 after a few years of amateur cultivations, in Comnago di Lesa. In 2012, the company returned to the historic greenhouses of Belgirate.

Today, the production is focused on the world of botanical orchids and hybrids for collectors, along with other botanical species such as bromeliads, tillandsias, carnivorous plants, and several peculiar and rare varieties.

In addition to the greenhouses, a large garden is full of exotic fragrances and intriguing species – it can be visited by appointment.
After a few years of thorough testing, a small crop of Camelia sinensis was planted in 2013, to produce Bancha green tea.

“La Ghirlandina” Bed & Breakfast facility is adjacent to the nursery.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via per Magognino, 21 - Belgirate(VB)

340 514913


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