Le orchidee selvatiche del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio

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It was established in 1995, includes 14 municipalities and extends for 8,500 hectares Even though it is located in an anthropized contest, its fauna and flora are rich. The second one is formed by more than 600 species, of which 40% are Mediterranean plants, 20% are cosmopolitan and 18 are endemic, among them there is the rare Silene giraldi, which is also present on the islands of Capri and Ischia. Among the herbaceous species, 23 species of orchids grow in the meadows on the slopes. They bloom in late spring and are protected by the Washington Convention (1973), because of their rarity and vulnerability. The Orchis papillonacea is one of the most unripe orchids, the Orchis maculata, Anacamptis papillonacea, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Dachtylorhiza romana and Orphys sphegodes are some of the specimens present in the park.

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