Maioli Frutti Antichi

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For more than eighty years, the Maioli businesses works designing, realising and revaluing green spaces and producing plants with the idea of defending nature and the environment, since this same interest lies at the origin of the desire to safe-keep the highest number of fruit species which otherwise would have already disappeared.

For generations, they have researched, reproduced and cultivated ancient and forgotten fruit plants, which, nowadays, are substituted by modern varieties giving the unique result of more than a thousand ancient varieties, such as numerous fruits and grapefruits rich in vitamin C and resistant to illnesses without the use of phytosanitary treatments, which were known to our grandparent.

Now, the collection counts 1200 different cultivar and varieties of numerous and different genres.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Castello Salvaterra, 5 - 42013 Casalgrande(RE)

0522 840773

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