Marco Bozzolo Farm – Bozzolo Chestnut village

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This farm is in Valle Mongia, a small valley alongside the main Val Tanaro, in the province of Cuneo.

It covers 37 acres almost entirely covered with chestnut groves, organically grown and included in the “Castagna di Cuneo PGI” production area. Most of those fruit trees date back to the very beginning of the Bozzolo family farming activity, while others have been added in recent years.

The crops are distributed between 2.297 and 3.280 ft above sea level, in a perfect environment very far from industrial pollution sources.

The chestnuts grown on the farm are part of the local “Castagna Garessina” variety, referring to the main municipality of this production area and the very qualities of their fruits: white chestnuts with a light straw colour and outstanding taste – the best dry chestnut ever.
The cultivars labeled as “Castagna Garessina” are “Gabbiana” (75%), “Marrone” (10%), “Frattona” (5%), “Ciapastra” (3%), “Spina Lunga” (2%), and in lesser quantities (5% or less), “Stàvisò”, “Russoira”, and “Rian de buire”.

These varieties are grown in the Upper Tanaro Valley, Mongia Valley and Casotto Valley in soils rich in organic substance, generally free of limestone and with a sub-acid pH, which give the fruits outstanding organoleptic features.

The long drying process of the “Garessine” chestnuts at Bozzolo farm still takes place in the original drying room, set in a XIX century building made of stone and wood, and completely renovated in 2018.

Among the products, also for sale online, Bozzolo farm offers chestnuts fresh, dried and sugar syrup.

The company welcomes educational visits and product tasting events, organized at its Ruvran chestnut grove: an educational facility which offers a wealth of centuries-old chestnut culture and tradition information, with educational path dedicated to discovering the world of the “Garessina” variety.

Any visit may include some entertainment as well (interaction with forest animals and the centuries-old “talking tree”), cultural insights (heritage of traditions and knowledge related to the culture of the chestnut), as well as technical presentations (about chestnut grafting, from theory to hands-on practice).

Any visit ends in the “Scau” (the “drying room”), where the drying process is thoroughly explained. At the end of the visit, a complimentary snack with the company’s products is always offered.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Castello 59 - 12070 Viola Castello (CN)(CN)

+39 338 8289845


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