Marradi Chestnut

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The town of Marradi is the homeland of “Marron Buono” chestnut trees (Castanea Sativa from Marradi) which cover the slopes of the hills around the town, offering fruit of excellent size, very fleshy and thriving in hilly/mountain climate.

The sweetness of these chestnuts and their numberless uses have boosted the local gastronomy. Right there, you can enjoy roasted chestnuts, cakes, marrons glacè, and the famous “ballotte” – chestnuts boiled in abundant water and flavoured with bay leaves or fennel seeds.

In October, it is possible to travel to Marradi by a vintage steam train and attend the famous chestnut festival to taste the products of the local gastronomy.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)



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