Mont Mars Nature Reserve

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The 963-acre Mont Mars Nature Reserve was established in 1993 and can be found in the Municipality of Fontainemore, between 5.479 and 8.530 ft above sea level.

In the reserve, there are many lakes and wetlands, but also woods, pastures, alpine meadows, and rock basins of glacial morphology, arranged on the very steps of Mount Mars.

The reserve area is crossed by a mule track that leads to the sanctuary of Oropa; on that very path, a centuries-old procession takes place every year.

The local fauna is typical of Valle d’Aosta mountains: alpine hares, chamois, marmots, stoats, and, among the birds, golden eagles, northern wheatears, ptarmigans, common ravens, and alpine choughs.

The reserve offers several educational activities, also in collaboration with schools. They include workshops, excursions, and museum exhibitions. The topics covered range from issues related to environment protection to botany, zoology, geology, pedology, ecology, history, and the wise management of water resources.


There are silver firs (Abies alba), green alders (Alnus viridis), yarrow (Achillea macrophylla), and round-leaved saxifrage (Saxifraga rotundifolia).

In the pasture areas, there’s mountain arnica (Arnica montana), gentian (Genziana purpurea), Nigritella nigra, and, on the steep and sunny slopes, St. Bruno’s Lily (Paradisea liliastrum).

Floating on the lakes, there’s white-water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis), while among the rocks and on the stony ground, visitors can admire cut bellflower (Campanula excisa). Where the rocky substrate changes, there’s a lot of edelweisses (Leontopodium alpinum).

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Località Capoluogo - 11020 Fontainemore(AO)

0125 832700

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