Montorfano Oasis

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Bosco di Montorfano oasis has been restored and enhanced since 1990, with several new plants such as black alders (Alnus glutinosa), white willows (Salix alba), dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Inside the oasis, three ponds have been created and now host rich vegetation consisting of bulrush (Typha latifolia), water mint (Menta aquatica), yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus), water forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris), yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea), and white water-lily (Nymphaea alba).

Many animals thrive in this oasis. In the wetlands, there are frogs and toads, water scorpions, and dragonflies. Among the insects the large copper butterfly. There is no shortage of birds such as grey herons, blackbirds, nightingales, finches, moorhens, mallards, and great spotted woodpeckers. Among mammals, there are hedgehogs, moles, and dormice

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