Mount Corno Alpine Botanical Garden
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Mount Corno Alpine Botanical Garden stretches on the southern slope of this mountain, at about 4.429 ft. It is surrounded by lush expanses of pastures, Norway spruce trees and karstic rock formations. The area, located on a stony-rocky promontory between two grassy tongues, hosts the main natural environments found on the Asiago Plateau. Right there, among limestone cliffs, shrubs, fir trees, beech woods, scree, pastures and watering holes, visitors can discover over 350 herbaceous, shrub and tree species belonging to the subalpine and mountain flora.
Inside the garden, there is still an ancient watering hole puddle, a rocky patch, a splendid specimen of common whitebeam (Sorbus aria), several limestone rocky areas, a patch of ferns, the pasture meadow, the beech forest, the spruce forest, the fir, the scree and high altitude pastures and alpine flora.
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0424 406009
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3,00 euro
Da maggio a settembre.
Le domeniche di maggio e settembre: 9.30-12.30 e 14.30-18.00. I restanti mesi apertura anche il sabato con gli stessi orari. Visite guidate 9,30 - 11,00 - 14,30 - 16,00.