Oasi Montagna di Sopra, Oasi WWF Montagna di Sopra
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WWF’s Oasis Montagna di Sopra is formed by a mountain area inside Partenio’s Regional Park. It is located inside a Site of Community Importance (SIC IT8040006) in the municipality of Pannarano (Bn), with an extension of 312 hectares, between 800 and 1590 meters of altitude. It is rich in rivers ans characterised by a peculiar vegetation with species typical of the Mediterranean and Apennines environment.
The mountain-Apennine forest with beech trees (Fagus spp.) associated to hollies (Ilex aquifolium), yews (Taxus baccata) is the prevalent type, while in the lower and wet areas there are also Alnus cordata. There are also wild lindens, mountain-Neapolitan-Lobel’s maple trees, eastern hornbeams, mountain service trees, goat willows and on the sunnier areas there are holm oaks.
There are numerous endemic species at 1,200 meters of altitude such as Saxifraga ampullacea, Saxifraga porophilla, Viola splendida, Viola pseudogracidis, alpine rummy trees and the beautiful martagon lilies (Lilium martagon), the symbols of the oasis, and Rosa pendulina on the higher peaks.
It is possible to find foxes, martens, wolfs (in the last years), badgers, stone martens and weasels among the mammals.
Among the amphibious species living in the oasis, there is a subspecies of fire salamander, Salamandra gigliolii. Buzzards, sparrow hawks, goshawks, kestrels, ravens, brown kites, tawny owls, peregrine falcons, eagle owls are some of the birds present here.
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Italiano (Italian)
Strada Carlangiona, Località Acqua delle Vene - 82017 Pannarano(BN)
339 8305044
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