Orto Botanico di Palazzo Graziani
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Orto botanico di Palazzo Graziani is located in Bagnacavallo, in the province of Ravenna, inside Palazzo Graziani, an 18th century palace quiche has been recently refurbished.
It is also known as “Giardino dei Semplici”, since it used to be dedicated to the cultivation of officinal herbs, and “Giardino degli Aforismi”, because of the presence of wrought-iron benches, on whose seatbacks have been carved the aphorisms of Leo Longanesi (1905 Ð 1957), an Italian journalist, painter, designer, editor and aphorist born in Bagnocavallo.
The garden is divided into four areas:
– umbraculum, for entertainment and meditation, formed by climbing plants and vines;
– pomarium, for the cultivation of fruit trees;
– hortus holeorum, for the cultivation of plants to use for cooking;
– hortus sanitatis, where officinal plants are cultivated.
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Italiano (Italian)
Via Diaz, 35 - Bagnacavallo(RA)
0545 280898
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Ingresso gratuito
Tutto l'anno. Visite guidate didattiche su richiesta.
Periodo estivo: 8.30-22.00; periodo invernale: 9.30-17.00