Rural Civilization Museum

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This Museum tells the story of the agro-pastoral territory of Veroli, in the province of Frosinone. Recovering and preserving traditional materials and memories, it provides abundant evidence about the main local activities before mechanization. Typical figures of wet nurses and transhumance shepherds are well portrayed, just like the oil olive harvesting which used to be the main source of income in the area.
The museum also features the typical tools of cobblers, including bovine, buffalo, goat, sheep, and swine skins, as well as very popular shoes of alleged Roman origin – the famous ciocie. There are carpenter and blacksmith workbenches, while also skilled metalworking is extensively showcased – all vital parts of local traditions of Veroli, recently selected as the prestigious venue for the Biennale exhibition.
Last but not least, there’s a doctor cabinet complete with medical tools, a true rarity, and one of its kind.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Franco dei Franconi - Veroli(FR)

320 3869331

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