San Michele Appiano Cooperative Winery

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San Michele Appiano Winery (also known as Kellereigenossenshaft Sankt Michael Eppan) was founded in 1907 during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Twenty winemakers from the village of San Michele, in the municipality of Appiano, established this facility in the most important area for wine production in Alto Adige – Sudtirol; San Michele Appiano winery has constantly grown ever since, becoming one of the best in the province of Bolzano. It’s currently supported by 355 members, who cultivate some 915 acres of vineyards scattered on sunny slopes and storing their precious wine within the walls of several ancient abodes.

The Art Nouveau central body of the company is still the most prominent testament to the pride of the local farmers, who originally wanted to give their very valuable activity a most stylish look.
Ancient winemaking techniques are now blended with state-of-the-art solutions, in order to guarantee the highest-ever quality products.

The climate, the topography and the very types of soil offer a peculiar and most suitable environment to the vines, while this company has always done its very best to respect the surrounding landscape, without altering any biological balance while stimulating the natural production of grapes.

The grassing between the rows successfully regulates the balance of air and water in the soil, promotes the formation of humus, protects against erosion and creates an environment suitable for several useful animals – vitals to keep the harmful ones at bay. Organic fertilizers are also highly favoured.

The type of soil and each different microclimate is directly linked to the varieties of the cultivated vines; they are, in fact, painstakingly positioned in order to make the most of every single environment, while ensuring high-quality yield.

Those limestone gravel soils can be found at altitudes between 1.312 and 1.640 ft above sea level, perfectly exposed to the sun. St. Valentin, Schulthaus, Gleif, and Monticolo are the grape varieties grown for excellent white wines, with intense flavour and peculiar acidity.

The classic training system usually adopted along the slopes of South Tyrol is the “pergola”; nonetheless, the guyot technique has been replacing it for some time, with the only exception of the “Schiava” grape cultivation. The new system is cheaper, more practical and guarantees even higher quality standards, albeit offering a smaller yield.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Circonvallazione, 17/19 - Appiano sulla Strada del Vino(BZ)

0471 664466

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