Santa Cesarea Spa

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Santa Cesarea Terme is a spa near the Otranto Canal, overlooking an expanse of crystal-clear waters. The actual thermal waters come from four caves connected to the sea, called Solfatara, Fetida, Gattulla, and Sulfurea.

Identified as salso-bromo-iodine-sulphurous-fluorinated waters, they feature a natural temperature of about 86 F°, eventually brought to some 98.6 F° for thermal and health treatments. These waters have proved extremely suitable for treating respiratory and skin problems, many women’s ailments, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia; they’re also frequently used as a part of aesthetic treatments.

Extremely popular since the beginning of this century, Santa Cesarea Terme has been partnered with universities and research institutes for some years.

The spa also features an inhalation centre equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, aerosols stations, inhalation and spraying facilities, thus guaranteeing the best available therapeutic results.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Roma 40 - Santa Cesarea Terme(LE)

0836 944070 - Ufficio prenotazioni: +39 0836 944314

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