Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Basilica

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The Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Holy Cross in Jerusalem Basilica) is one of the seven churches in Rome which pilgrims had to visit during a whole day, on foot. It was built in the Lateran quarter, close to the Aurelian Walls.
It was restored in the XII century and then annexed to a tower as a symbol of power. The original appearance of the church was then completely altered during the Renaissance and Baroque periods.


Built in 2004, the monastic vegetable garden was designed by Paolo Pejrone. The area on which was built is circular and its main axes leading into the garden are made of two perpendicular, pergolated paths; these walkways eventually meet in the centre of the garden with an ornamental tank. The flower beds of the garden host vegetables, aromatic herbs, flowers, citrus fruits and fruit trees. Despite the heavily trafficked area, balance and serenity exude from this very peaceful garden.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme - 00141 Roma(RM)

06 70613053

Altre info

Visite guidate, ingresso 5.50 euro, gratuito sotto i 12 anni. Da lunedì a venerdì 9.00-18.00; sabato 9.00-14.00. Il sito e' visitabile il 1° ed il 3° sabato del mese.

Apertura della Basilica: 7.00 - 12.45; 15.30 - 19.30

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