Slush with Montelabbate peaches (“Grattamarianna”)

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“Granita” (“slush”) with peaches from Montelabbate, also called “Grattamarianna”, is commonly served along the coast of the province of Pesaro and Urbino, and traditionally sold on coastal roads and on the beaches.

The peach species from Montelabbate has a consolidated top-quality status on the fruit and vegetable market, thanks to the particular environment in which these fruits ripens.
The local slush has a creamy character, with pieces of fruit of about 0.4 inches which, mixed with their juice, sugar, and water.

This local treat and that very peach species are embedded with the traditions of the Fano harbour area, dating back to the time when ice was still chopped by hand before being used for the slush.

The processing procedure begins with the pitting of the peaches and their reduction, partly in small pieces of fruit, and partly in juice; everything is mixed with sugar and water.
Then, the locals proceed with freezing until a creamy layer forms at a temperature of about -59 F°.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)



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