The Basilica of Superga

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The Basilica of Superga was built by Duke Vittorio Amedeo II, following a vow made to the “Madonna delle Grazie” in 1706, during the Franco-Spanish siege of Piedmont.
It was built from 1717 to 1731, on a project by architect Filippo Juvarra who demolished the existing old church and lowered the hill of 131 ft.

The interior of the Basilica is enriched by six chapels and four altars, in addition to the High Altar, with statues and monuments in Carrara marble.
Of great importance are the numerous altar paintings and the dome. The “Cappella del Voto” (“Chapel of the Vow”) preserves the XVII century wooden statue of the “Madonna delle Grazie“, the same one to which Vittorio Amedeo II made his vow.

The crypt contains the Royal Tombs of the House of Savoy, built in the basement of the Basilica by King Vittorio Amedeo III, with an elongated Latin cross shape; the crypt houses 62 tombs of the House of Savoy.
Another important building is the Royal Apartment, commissioned by Vittorio Amedeo II as a place where to retire in his old age. The construction, which was not completed, involved a three-storey building next to the existing convent: when the very project was discarded, some rooms on the first floor of the convent were then used for the royals as an extra residence.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Strada Basilica di Superga 73 - 10132 Torino(TO)

011 8997456

Altre info

Ingresso gratuito per la basilica. Ingresso cupola: intero euro 3,00; ridotto euro 2,00 (riduzioni per GRUPPI DI MINIMO 20 PERSONE, Soci TCI, ACI, FAI, ARCI, Forze dell’Ordine, Dipendenti Ministero Beni Culturali, Studenti, Scolaresche, Giornalisti, Insegnanti, Over 65, soci CTS e studenti ISIC CARD, Torino+Piemonte Card); gratuito (abbonamento Musei, Guide Turistiche, Portatori di Handicap, Accompagnatori di un gruppo (minimo 20 persone), Bambini sotto i 12 anni).

La salita non è consentita durante le funzioni religiose e in caso di maltempo. L’ingresso non è accessibile ai disabili.

Orari cupola: marzo: lunedì-venerdì: 10.00-17.00 (ultima salita 16.40); sabato: 9.30-18.00 (ultima salita 17.40); domenica: 12.15-18.00 (ultima salita 17.40). Martedì chiuso. Aprile-ottobre: lunedì-venerdì: 10.00-18.00 (ultima salita 17.40); sabato: 9.30-19.00 (ultima salita 18.40); domenica: 12.15-19.00 (ultima salita 18.40). Martedì chiuso. Periodo invernale: sabato: 10.00-17.00 (ultima salita 16.40); domenica: 12.15-17.00 (ultima salita 16.40).

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