The Path of Bardolino

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The Path of Bardolino is a new cycle/pedestrian route between villages, vineyards and hills full of history and traditions, running for 62 miles on the Eastern (Venetian) shore of Lake Garda. Devised by Land design studio and funded by several municipalities and the Rural Development Program for Veneto 2014-2020, it descends from the hills to Lake Garda, crossing the province of Verona. It features 18 different routes and itineraries between 1.86 and 12.5 miles long, including 61 wineries in the municipalities of Bardolino, Garda, Rivoli Veronese, Costermano, Affi, and Cavaion Veronese.

The Path of Bardolino was mainly designed to enhance the historical, cultural and economic heritage of the Bardolino DOC (controlled denomination of origin) production area.
All routes are prominently marked and mapped on 53 information panels, each one providing a QR code to be used with the dedicated App. The map also includes parking lots and free car parks.

The wineries along the route are:

AFFI: Caorsa, Poggi.

BARDOLINO: Bigagnoli, Cà Bottura, Caldana, Campostrini, Casaretti, Colle dei Cipressi, Corradini, Costadoro, D’Aulerio, Delibori, Enoitalia, Girardelli, Gruppo Italiano Vini, Guerrieri Rizzardi, La Cà, La Rocca, Le Vai, Lenotti, Monte Oliveto, Raval, Rizzardi, San Zeno, Tre Colline, Vallonga, Valetti, Villabella, Villa Calicantus, Zeni.

CAVAION VERONESE: Bettili, Canella, Cesari, Domini Veneti, Lamberti, Le Fraghe, Marchesini, Monte Salini, Naiano, Righetti Danti, Righetti Enzo, Taborro, Torcolo.

COSTERMANO: Bondi, Garda, Nature, Pellegrini, Val.

GARDA: Canevini.

RIVOLI VERONESE: Baccolo, Benedetti, Cà Cerù, Ceradini, Colombardi, Gasparini, Giramonti, La Colombara, Rocca, Sol de Montalto, Testi.

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Comune di Garda: Lungolago Regina Adelaide 15 - 37016 Garda (VR)

Comune di Garda 045 6208444

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