Thermal Baths of Sirmione
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Great poets of the past drew inspiration from Sirmione, a peninsula of rare beauty in the centre of Lake Garda; Catullo, Foscolo, Carducci, Fogazzaro, Pound and even Joyce spent some time in the beautiful and romantic Sirmione, profusely writing and celebrating it.
On August 24, 1889, a Venetian professional diver named Procopio plunged into Lake Garda, and at a depth of some 65 ft deep he installed a hot water pipe in a thermal rock formation. That’s how the history of these thermal baths began – their peculiar water is classified as salsobromoiodic sulphurous
Here the thermal water, classified on the basis of its peculiar characteristics as salsobromoiodic sulphurous (containing sodium chloride, bromide and iodide.), takes a 20-year journey to enrich itself with all the elements that offer outstanding therapeutic properties.
It actually flows from Monte Baldo water basin (2.624 ft) to 8.202 ft below sea level, where it acquires precious minerals and increases its temperature, eventually reaching the Boiola spring.
It is also known as “hyperthermal water” because it flows at a temperature of 156.2 F° (69° C), and as “mineralized water”, as it contains a fixed residue > 500.
At Terme di Sirmione, salso-bromoiodic sulphurous water therapy is available for inhalation treatments, endotympanic insufflations, crenotherapeutic Politzer, mudbaths, whirlpool and underwater massage, as well as hydrokinesitherapy.
This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)
Piazza Virgilio 1 - Sirmione(BS)
030 91681
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