Tresana, il paese delle ortensie

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Tresana is a small borgo of the 16th century of Bologna’s Apennines, surrounded by a chestnut tree wood, not so far away from Castelluccio di Porretta Terme, along the road which leads from Pennola to Santuario di Madonna del Faggio. There are only eight stone houses, whose inhabitants have lived using chestnuts and breeding pigs and cows. Nowadays, the small town has been refurbished and it is frequented during the holidays by the sons and nephews/nieces of the late owners, but it has become a tourist attraction thanks to Valerio Zanarini, who was born here and who planted in the last decade numerous hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla) which transform it into a magical place during Summer, since they colour it of pink, violet and light blue.

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Tresana, Castelluccio di Porretta Terme (Bo)(BO)

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