Villa Carlotta – Rhododendron Collection

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The design of the garden dates back to the end of the XIX century, and it can still be observed with its bending paths and suggestive views. There are rare plant species and large patches of rhododendrons and azaleas, representing as many as 150 different varieties; they grow vigorous and luxuriant thanks to the fertility of the acidic soil of glacial origin.

The patches of azaleas along the paths are thick and compact, making it almost impossible to tell one plant from another, but undoubtedly boosting the already copious and intense spring blooming.

The various plants of Rhododendron arboreum, a species that thrives in the Himalayan mountains, have found this environment absolutely perfect: the centuries-old specimens with twisted branches have even formed wall-like natural structures.

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Via Regina 2 - 22019 Tremezzo(CO)


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