Villa di Livia

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Also known as Villa di Primaporta, it’s the archeological site of the original villa di Livia Drusilla, wife of Emperor Augustus. The statue of Augusto di Prima Porta was found during the very first excavations between 1863 and 1864. It is now exhibited at the Vatican Museums. Some underground chambers were discovered as well, like the famous frescoed hypogeum. It’s the oldest example of continuous garden painting (30-20 BC) and shows plants and birds naturally reproduced. In particular, there are several plant species depicted, like stone pines (Pinus pinea), common oaks (Quercus robur), and European Spruces (Picea excelsa).
Beyond a marble enclosure, there are quince trees, pomegranates, myrtles, oleanders, date palms, strawberry trees, laurels, viburnums, holm oaks, boxwoods, cypresses, ivy, and acanthus. In the meadow under the trees, there are roses, poppies, chrysanthemums, and chamomile, while along the paths ferns, violets and irises dwell.

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Via della Villa di Livia


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