Villa Lonati – Comunemente Verde

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This villa is a small jewel not far from Niguarda Hospital, and since 1975 it has housed the headquarters of “Green Area, Agriculture and Urban Furniture”.
The current building dates back to the XVIII century: right then some major expansion works were carried out on the XV century central part of the villa.
In some areas, plants are still grown for flower beds and municipal offices.

In the garden, there are many poppies and wildflowers, as well as a collection of medicinal, food, aromatic, dyeing species. Near the water lily pond and in the shade, there is a wall made of several varieties of climbing plants.

The educational and recreational garden has a section dedicated to food, aromatic, medicinal, and dyeing herbs, while the wetland is home to rare autochthonous plants. Inside the greenhouse, there are also several ornamental and useful exotic species of Asian, African, American, and Australian origins. Right before the greenhouse, succulents, cacti, and Euphorbiaceae grow abundant.

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