Villa Signorini

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Villa Signorini, municipality of Ercolano, may be the only vesuvian villa to have remained in its original state. It was built in the second half of the 18th century and the terrains next to the building were bought in 1911 by Paolo Signorini, the agri-food industrialist who gave the name to the villa. It was inhabited till 1980, when it was bought by the society which still manages it. The building has a courtyard typology and the layout of the plan its squared, with two loggias at the side with pierced balustrades, which are present also in the rear terrace of the piano nobile. These elements characterise the works of Vaccaro and present floral elements in harmony with the rococo style of the iron-glass works of the loggia on the garden side, with the stucco and paper-based decorations of the piano nobile  and with some wood, indoor window fixtures.


It is an example of an Italian style garden which is adjacent to Parco Inferiore of Reggia di Portici and has conserved the ancient farming lands. They are divided from the garden by an alley of palms and there is a treillage of the end of the 19th century covered by a wisteria in a clearing, where there is also a Greek column A rose garden supported by an iron structure of the beginning of the 20th century circumscribes the borders of the central garden and the lateral one, which is bordered by laurel hedges and jasmines. A beautiful camelia (Camellia japonica) of around eighty years is next to the entrance.

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Via Roma, 43 - Ercolano(NA)

081 7776423

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