Villa Trento Da Schio in Costozza di Longare

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Excerpt from: “Gardens of Veneto Villas”, by Camilla Zanarotti, Silvana Editoriale.

The layout of the gardens dates back to the second half of the XVI century when Francesco Trento designed this extraordinary garden by adapting it to the impractical slope and embellishing it with fish ponds, fountains and aviaries.

Landscaping work carried out during the nineteenth century changed the site; the current owners undertook a painstaking program of restoration in the 1920s, which brought the gardens back to their former splendour.

The garden is divided into five terraces, against the backdrop of a rocky ridge topped with cypress trees. Once through the impressive entrance, a view opens up of terraces connected by monumental staircases, decorated with statues. The most impressive staircase is centred around the Fountain of Venus. Statues of Diana and Actaeon stand on top of the pillars.

Two side staircases lead to the penultimate terrace, marked out by the Basin of Neptune, the focal point of the garden. The final terrace culminates in the unusual Ficus repens loggia, a plant that dates back to the days of the Trento family. Alongside the villa, descend the beautiful Dwarf’s Staircase to the rotunda and the romantic XIX-century wood located above the icehouse.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Piazza G. da Schio 4 - 36023 Longare(VI)

0444 555099

Altre info

Visite al parco: 5,00 € a persona, gratis < 12 anni. Chiuso il lunedì. Visite guidate del parco, della villa e della cantina, per gruppi e con appuntamento: 10,00 € a persona, con possibilità di degustazione in cantina.

Chiuso il lunedì. Visite guidate del parco, della villa e della cantina, per gruppi e con appuntamento

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