Water Ecomuseum

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Natural sites (springs, lakes, streams, rivers) and the several anthropic constructions (irrigation ditches, mills, sinks, intake works, wells) in the Gemonese area constitute a thorough water system in the area called Campo di Osoppo- Gemona. The latter is surrounded by the pre-Alpine reliefs and the morainic amphitheatre. In this area, there are many suggested itineraries for tourists and scholars as well. Important topics can thus be discovered or researched, like the natural and anthropic contingencies, life and evolution of the territory and, most of all, the importance of water throughout the centuries.

The operational core of the ecomuseum is Mulino Cocconi, and educational and environmental centre, located in Ospedaletto di Gemona and housed in an ancient mill dating back to the early XIX century (the original structure was actually erected in the XIV century, at the time of the opening of the canal fed by the waters of the Tagliamento River). Mulino Cocconi is also a laboratory focused on water, serving as a place of experience and cultural reference, as well as a meeting and coordination point for researchers of environmental issues.
The Center is able to offer citizens, teachers and students in particular, educational opportunities and tools aimed at deepening geographic, naturalistic and landscape knowledge of the Gemonese territory.

There are three sections inside the structure: the educational laboratory (scientific tools are part of state-of-the-art multimedia facilities), the documentation centre on the waters (a very rich library which often hosts exhibitions and conferences), and the Museum of milling art (located in the ancient mill room, where two watermills are housed. One dates back to the late XVIII century and the other is made of cast iron from the late XIX century).

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Gemona del Friuli(UD)


Altre info

Le tariffe dipendono dalla durata dell’uscita e dall’attività che viene svolta.

Il centro è aperto alle scuole solo su prenotazione, ai visitatori e ai turisti il primo giovedì e il secondo sabato del mese (9.00-12.00,15.00/18.00 con ingresso libero).

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