Zì Mimì

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Zì Mimì, also known as Domenico Cedrangolo, is an elderly craftsman from San Giovanni a Piro (SA), in Cilento. A true guardian of an ancient craft, Domenico painstakingly weaves and carves natural materials (branches, leaves, grass, etc.), creating baskets, sheds for the nativity scene, trays and stools, ladles, forks, spoons, as well as adorable tiny cows and horses in olive wood.

His shop is located in the charming historic centre of the town, but you can also find his creations at Al Cenobio Residence, in Contrada Gualtieri, tel. 349 4056544.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


84070 San Giovanni A Piro (SA)(SA)

+39 0974 983060


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